Programming Windows API 5th Book

I've been reading the book Programming Windows API 5th Edition as a starting book for programming in windows. Alot of the times the writer goes into small details about the inner workings. In sections like the GDI i have to spend lots of time writing down stuff so i dont forget. But i know that GDI isn't in use anymore. Windows XP used GDI++ to some extend and Windows Vista & 7 use a vector based system isntead.

So my qestion is. Should i just skim through those parts that i know have been deprecated and just pay attention to the moste fundemental on how to use them or should i actually pay attention?
I'd say pay attention because even though technology is replaced, the source codes out there are not so easily exchanged for newer versions. If you want to understand what is out there, you should make sure you understand GDI and up.
One aspect of the issue would be what your main interests are in Windows programming. For myself, I do technical, number crunching, and business apps strictly in house, i.e., nothing for commercial resale. My interests are not in gaphics at all, but rather in such things as databases, COM, and components. That GDI chapter of Petzold's is a bear; I believe its the biggest chapter in the book. I've only ever used small parts of it; if I had to guess I'd say a third. Occasionally I refer to something, but have always used that chapter more as a reference than anything. Having said that, there are really important items in that chapter that I continually use and must understand such as HDCs, and other GDI objects. So you do have to have some grasp of the material. If you are like me then skimming it might be OK. I'd recommend NOT getting bogged down in it.

I find though that most folks are unlike me and really ARE into graphics BIG TIME. If that is the case then I'd recommend greater time be spent with it.
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