Game programming

Could someone point me in the direction of the software i would use to make 2D games. please and thank you.
C++ and SFML would be a good start:
I agree.

SFML, is a great way to get into 2D game-programming for beginners, though I prefer SDL if you have a better understanding of C++.

-Code Assassin
Hi guys,

If I were to choose between Allegro and Open GL... which do you think is the better option? I'm looking to develop cross-platform games.
OpenGL and DirectX...yeah DirectX might not be cross-platform but it still a great thing to have under you belt.
@Code Assassin: Why do you need a better understanding of C++ for that?
SDL is C-based while SFML is OO.
I myself use OpenGL. Its easy to understand once you get a grasp of which version your video card can support and if you follow the tutorials on this website for game programing :

Note : That website is still using OpenGL 2.1 versions. Roughly. But it will still work in your code if your not using functions that are older then version 3.1. AGAIN, your version that you start to code in is what makes the difference between your program working and not working. This IS important. Know your functions ( API calls ) to your OpenGL version. You have been warned.

By the way, to use any of the example source code in any IDE your using, make sure to install freeGlut library since most tutorials are heading that direction now. The old Glut is from 2001. The freeGlut is its replacement. UNLESS your on a MAC --> Then you use the Glut.Framework and the OpenGL.framework.

Code::Blocks fully supports freeGlut / OpenGL it if you install it correctly. There is a tutorial on the C::B wiki that explains how to install FreeGlut for Code::Blocks :

Make sure you read everything before starting.
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