Using GCC on Windows

Hi, I am fairly new to this. I need to setup an MSVC environment to work and compile using the GCC tool chain. How do i setup MSVC to compile with GCC.

I have MinGW installed and configured. Pls point me to reference that assist in giving basic information to get me started.
I use MinGW ,i added it to system variables ,you can do this by right clicking the My Computer icon -> properties -> advanced (tab) -> environment variables (button) and choose path then edit it ,add in the beginning "C:\MinGW\bin" so wherever i am i can use "GCC , C++" in the command line.
However, that doesn't get MSVC to use the MinGW. I don't know if you can actually do that, as MSVC has its own C and C++ compilers.

You can always try to compile programs you wrote using the MSVC IDE from the command line as croconile suggested.
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Thnks for the suggestions, yes, was able to setup the environment variables and compile using the command prompt targeting GCC. Is there no way we can direct the MSVC to use the GCC compiler.

I am trying to attempt what Eclipse with CDT allows you to enter the compile command in MSVC.

Also what are the dos and donts while creating a common project that could compile with MSVC inbuilt compiler and GCC. I would like to have one source that can be ported for deployment in both windows and linux.
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