CFiledialog save problem with win7

Hi everybody!
I have a problem with CFiledialog Save button in Win7.
I use MFC and VC++ 2010. I'm developing the application under win xp and there are no problems. When I launch the sofware under win 7, the filedialog save pop up opens but when I press the "Save" button nothing happens! I can press the button a thousand times but nothing happens! if I write the name of an existing file it works fine.
I try to used OPENFILEDIALOG, but the problem persist.

What's the problem?

Sorry I can't really answer your question, but in Vista and 7 there is the newer Common Item Dialog. Maybe you can throw in an OS version check and display the proper dialog that way.

Here's the MSDN page if you're interested:
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thank, but I get the same problem with this new method...

What directory are you trying to save to? It's possible that you need elevated priveledges. Does it work if you save to your documents or desktop or if you run your application as administrator?
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It doesn't work in any directory, even the administrator privileges. Sometimes it works (once in a billion). It's crazy. I don't know what else to try.
I couldn't guess at the problem. Can you post your code for saving?
Solved! .. but don't ask me how! I created a new solution and built it the same source files and now runs on both xp and 7!

Thanks a lot for your time!
Strange that it is solved as it seems to be the standard behavior in Windows 7. For example, I am currently browsing this website with Google Chrome. If I hit Ctrl+S, I get the Save As dialog with a filename pre-filled. If I delete the filename and then click Save, nothing happens, just like you described it.

So if you fixed it, you must have fixed it differently. Maybe you changed the dialog flags and don't remember?

In any case I fail to see an actual problem here. Why is it so important that the Save button work even without a filename?
Why is it so important that the Save button work even without a filename?

As I understood the problem was saving files that don't already exist, not saving without a filename.
I see. Could be. The dialog is configurable. You can tell it to accept existing files only or not. Maybe this is the setting that was changed.
no no the code is the same.. after pressing the "Save" button several times nothing happened.. if I wrote the name of an existing file, there were no problems! At code level never went out of the DoModal () method of CFilefialog.. Now, with build a new solution with the same cose, it seems to work.. although about 1 pc of 5 tested doesn't work correctly (on win7).
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