Simple MFC user input.


I'm creating a very simple GUI for a little project. Basically, I'd like to be able to change parameters without having to edit code, compile and run.

I'm using a single-document interface and I want to control my settings through the menu bar, e.g. a button "Set alpha" that, when clicked, would ask for user input and then set the parameter alpha to that value.

What I'm lacking is the knowledge/ability to ask for user input. All my previous projects have worked purely on console in- and output.

Is there a(n easy) way to do this?
Thanks, but I did do the quick google myself. That page explicitly says it's not for MFC. There should be an easier way when using MFCs, but I can't really find it.
Now that's really easy. With the resource editor you can create the menu item and the dialog.

To add an handler according to your menu item (or whatever) just right click. You get automatically to the newly created function (attached to the menu item). There you can have a local variable of your dialog class (rigth click on the dialog resource ...) and then call dlg.DoModal();

That's it.
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