Creating software

Hi guys,

I'm trying to learn how to create a software program for Windows.
I would like to know where I need to start to learn everthing I need to know.
-- Create the visual display.
-- Programming language that goes with it.
-- Create the SQL server side.
-- Setup and the rest I need to know.

I've already learnt the basics of C++;


If you have MSVStudio Professonial (or better), it comes with 'MFC' classes, which are very easy ways to provide graphical interfaces to your code.
MFC will be deprecated soon (or has been already). Microsoft recommends using WinForms or WPF or JavaScript with HTML5.
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Of course, if you want your program start with 5 seconds delay use WinForms and .NET Framework. If you want your programs use much less resources use WinAPI or MFC.
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