Visual Studio Question.

closed account (967L1hU5)
I usually make my programs in CodeBlocks, but now I'm using Visual Studio 2010. While making creating a new project, I see a box on the upper side of the window that asks what what .Net framework to use, it has no options for no .Net. Now this is just me, but I don't like the idea of my program to require .Net, are all programs in VS required to have .Net to run? I'm not using any libraries .Net related, and what would one have to do to need .Net in their project? Sorry if I come off ignorant, but this is kinda important to me.
You must be using the Professional edition. VC++ Express doesn't have that, but I see that the Professional editions of both VS 2008 and VS 2010 do.

To the best of my knowledge, your code doesn't contain any .NET framework unless you choose a code set that requires it.

There is a caveat: if you are making an install program from VS you will need to undo the default, which installs .NET framework on the target computer if it doesn't already have it.

You will probably get a more accurate answer than mine by going here --
closed account (967L1hU5)
It's actually Ultimate, but it still applies. Thanks for your help!
If you bought the Ultimate version, it comes with a very good (and expensive) support service. You'd be better off asking your VS related questions there.
closed account (967L1hU5)
Well not bought.
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