CRT conflict

Good morning I have may be a stupid question, but I'm not sure about a topic.
I'm developing an application for Wince 5.0 and I have a project developed in Embedded Visual C++ that should use a library developed in VS2008.

I get the error:

warning LNK4078: multiple '.CRT' sections found with different attributes (40300040)

and many similar errors:

libNet.lib(toolFiles.obj) : error LNK2005: "char * __cdecl strtrim(char *)" (?strtrim@@YAPADPAD@Z) already defined in filesrv.obj
libNet.lib(toolFiles.obj) : error LNK2005: "int __cdecl bFileExists(char *)" (?bFileExists@@YAHPAD@Z) already defined in filesrv.obj
libNet.lib(toolFiles.obj) : error LNK2005: "int __cdecl GetPrivateProfileString(char *,char *,char *,char *,int,char *)" (?GetPrivateProfileString@@YAHPAD000H0@Z) already defined in filesrv.obj

libnet is the library built with VS2008 and the application that link it generate this error.
I would like to know if there is some way by which I can build the libnet lib in order to avoid crt conflicts.
It should be crucial avoid changing the compilers setup, so I'm searching some hint from the forum to understand if I have some way to perform this or if I have to change the toolchain.
Thanks a lot
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You aren't talking about taking a lib generated against desktop Windows and using it in Windows CE are you? If so, I doubt very much that can be done.

Do you have the source for libnet.lib? If not, how can you build it?
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