SQL Statements Not Executing

Pages: 123
Well, I really appreciate all your hard work, as I have already learned a great deal from your efforts. I may be more up-to-date than you on the release notes, as I have been studying what MSDN offers at the moment, but I would never have even gotten started if you handn't gotten involved. Of course, I am certain I don't understand the release notes as well as you will if you get into them.

Right now I'm iterating through my database once and adding the first field of all the records to a combo box.

Then, when I want to fetch a record, I have to iterate through ALL of the records again with a condition for that specific record, which is rowCount.

That's a very inelegant solution, but it's no problem unless the database is pretty big.

However, I'm just starting to read the MSDN stuff to tell me how to fetch a record properly.

In any case, I am light years ahead of where I was a few days ago thanks to all of your help.
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Pages: 123