DLL question

First off thanks for a great site, it's normally my 1st point of call when I am looking for info :)

I have been using VS2008 Pro for a while & recently installed VC2010 Express. I am a noob when it comes to C++ as only started to take the plunge a few months ago, prior to that I was programming in VB as well as various other Basic dialects as in BLitzMax, Blitz3D, PureBasic etc etc.

All my dev files like includes & libs etc are kept in a seperate directory on my hd so as not to make a mess of my installations as well as easy location to find what I need. At the moment for example I have a VC9 & a VC10 directory with the relevent files stored in their respective directorys so I have decided to have a clean up. I tend to download extras/tools like Freeimage, Zlib & Boost as source files & compile them myself rather than the prebuilt versions as I find it helps me learn more regarding compiling/linking etc more than anything else, also I feel it will help me when my projects get larger by seeing how others have done it.

Now finally for my question lol, while compiling the above mentioned items I now have 2 sets of basically the same thing. I have merged the includes into a common directory as they are identical but the libs & dll's I am unsure about.

Would I be correct in saying that the libs are specific to the version of VC that they where compiled with?, if so thats not a problem, however what about the dll's. A quick check with my hex editor comparing the VC9 & VC10 versions of the same dll shows differences so are they tied to their respective compiler?.

The answer is more then likely obvious & I apologise if its a stupid question, I have not got round to using dll's as yet but it will be handy to know when I do get round to them (which will not be long I think).

Thanks in advance for any help in this matter :)

Each version of the DLL is dependent of that version's C runtime.
Thanks for clearing that up, I thought I had better check 1st before merging them all into 1 set & having possible problems in the future :)
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