DirectX, Vectors, and the Origin

Im trying to make a simple program using DirectX which simple draws 2 Vectors and preforms various mathematical functions on them and displaying the result graphically.

Im having a problem displaying my Vectors. I want the vectors to be in the center of the screen so it is easy to see them. The origin been in the top left of the screen is however working against me making me unable to see the result of adding two vector because the result goes off the screen, e.g. adding the X values when both vectors are already half across the screen obviously would result in a value that would go off the screen.

The solution I though of to solve this is to simply move the origin to the center of the screen but i cant figure out how to do this or if its even possible.

If anyone can help me to move the origin to the center or has another way around my problem it would be a great help.
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