
I am making a pretty simple media player using wavein/out.
So far, everything i am working on is fine except for one thing.

I can play, pause, resume, but I can't stop it.

here is some order I am doing with.

<Play : which is running on a thread>
A. CreateThread
1. Allocate memoryBlocks of WAVEHDR
2. WaveOutOpen
3. waveOutPreparedHeader
4. waveOutWrite

1. waveOutPause
2. waveOutReset
3. waveOutUnprepareHeader
4. waveOutClose
5. CloseHandle(thread)

Play function works, but Stop func doesn't work.
And also i don't know that the sound is paused or stopped.
any ideas??

Thanks in advance.
WaveOutReset() is what does the magic of stopping, are you passing it a handle to the waveform?

If you have read it already, this is as thorough a resource as you are going to get on the subject:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa446573.aspx
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