
Hi, I am looking for a way to expect time of scanning all files on pc
by using FINDFILE function.

When I scan all files on C:\, I want to know the length of time left.

Is there any function for it??

Thanks :)
You cannot know how long it will take. For one, think, a subdirectory might be mounted on a slower device or some kinds of files take longer to process.

Typically a scan is done to work out how many files there are, then the processing begins. Then a running estimate calculated based on how many files have been processed and how long that took.
You mean that I am not able to know how long but if i could, it would take lots of time, right?

Let me say one thing.

when you move some of files in extern disk into pc, i can check how many files and how long it will take. I don't know if the api like what i want exists or not..

Thanks anyways :)
Even Windows has to estimate the time.

If you want to approximate how long it will take, or how much time is left, you set the timer immediately before you call FindFile().

However, before you do this, you will have iterate through to determine how many files, and how big is the aggregate total. Then you estimate how long it will take for, say each megabyte, or what-have-you, and then you perform your calculations accordingly, and of course you call KillTImer() when the operation is finished.

At least, that's the way I would do it unless somebody could show me a better way, which is certainly a good possibility.
when you move some of files in extern disk into pc, i can check how many files and how long it will take. I don't know if the api like what i want exists or not..

There is MoveFileWithProgress(), which is what explorer is using, but anyway before moving you need full list of files and the total size. That's what you have a delay before actually moving/copying,etc ...
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