Another Database Question

MS has MySQL and MySQL Lite. Should I download this to do my database programming?

If so, why, generally speaking.

Also, they offer a 32-bit and a 64-bit version. My computer is 64-bit, so I can handle the 64-bit version, but will whatever I program still work on 32-bit computers?
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MS has MySQL and MySQL Lite

I don't believe those are Microsoft database products. The only relational database products I'm aware of from MS are MS Access and SQL Server (maybe Foxpro too). SQL Server Express is a freely downloadable version of SQL Server, or at least used to be. I believe MySql is a GNU project, but I don't know much about it. Where I work we are a real hardcore 'Microsoft Shop'.

Also, they offer a 32-bit and a 64-bit version. My computer is 64-bit, so I can handle the 64-bit version, but will whatever I program still work on 32-bit computers?

Perhaps someone else ought to take that question. All I know for sure is that Microsoft fairly recently (within the past couple years) updated ODBC to be 64 bit compliant.
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I think you've answered my question. I'm just going to keep studying your code that you gave me and then, once I've more less understood all of it, I will then know enough to adapt things to what I want. I really do appreciate the code you gave me.
Some of that code looks more complicated than it really is (on a higher level, at least). A big chunk of it relates to dealing with dates, which actually are complicated. To start with, look up the date struct I used - what was it tagTIME_STAMP struct or something like that. Its essentially a struct of integer class variables to hold the day, month, and year. Of course, it takes some string minipulation to get something like that converted back to a string. When I first posted that example in the PowerBASIC forums (coded in PowerBASIC and C) a number of years ago one of the comments was that in Europe they use a different order than month/day/year as we use in US, and in Europe they seperate these with periods - not slashes, i.e., '/'. So I gradually complicated things. The example could have been considerably easier had I not included a date, but I felt that dates are pretty important. Over the years most of the troubles I've had with real world apps and databases concerned dates.
Fortunately, I've done a fair amount of dates and time programming in the Win32 API, so those won't confuse me. I just have to set aside some time to go through your code and assimilate in my mind. I've already created a project with your code, but I haven't tried to compile it yet. I want to wait until I can devote a few hours to it so I can get a good handle on it.
hey there, I just wanna share this link []

it's a tutorial on MySQL C API.
Thanks very much blackcoder41! I appreciate that.
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