OpenCV in win32 SDI/MDI

if you are creating a MDI with multiple controls can you use opencv to display the video or image in one of the child windows inside of the parent window that way it only takes up part of the entire screen (assuming the child is set at a fixed size and can't be scaled or moved). Note: I am programming in Win32 not mfc. So i prefer win32 answers but i will likely move on to mfc in the months ahead.

Looking at the OpenCV wiki and libraries it seems all the functions render windows seperate from a win32 window....meaning you lose alot of functionality that you have in a win32 window such as message handling and control box and menu features.
Can someone please clarify if i am missing a way to render openCV images or video in a win32 window...wether it is an SDI or MDI application.
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Does anyone have any ideas on how to accomplish this. Normally you use cvNamedWindow() to create a opencv window and display images or video. But you don't have the option to add in menu's or handle messages ect. I want to display the opencv image or video in a win32 window....the kind created when you call winMain (HWND ,ect). The kind of window that has the LRESULT callback DefWinProc() to allow message handling.
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