Should I Use this book?

Hello everyone. I have been learning C++ for a while now and I think I want to start learning how to make a windows program. So my question is wheather or not this would be a good book to learn from. It is a book by Charles Petzold, but it is a little old so Im not sure if I should get it.

here is a link to the book on Amazon:

Also if you do not recommend this book, do you know any other places I could learn windows programming?

Thanks a lot!
If you want do understand how to use C and C++ for Windows, yes.
Last I knew that book was considered the Windows Bible for programming in Windows. It has always been recommended when Windows API comes up.
It's old but still applies. I recommend it. And for more advanced topics(and particularly good coverage of multithreading) I'd also recommend "Windows Via C/C++".

If you read Petzold's book then you might want to have a look at this MSDN page to contrast it with more modern conventions:
I will go further than the others. Thus, I will tell you this --

If you are going to program Windows API in C/C++, then Petzold's book is an absolute MUST.

I still refer to it, and I learn something every time. It is not nearly as outdated as you might think, and as gpotw said, all you have to do is refer to MSDN for any functions or tidbits that might be upgraded.
As others said, its the way to go. I will admit the doorstop size of the book is daunting at first sight, but just getting through the first several chapters will put you on the right track. The rest can be studied as the need arises. I believe its an expensive book, and may be out of print, but used copies should be available. If you get one without the CD I believe the programs are available on the author's website. You would definitely want those as it will save a massive amount of typing.
Thanks a lot everyone :D! I guess I'll be reading this then. Thanks again ^^
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