Community Project - E-mail Client for Windows Taskbar

Hi all,

i have only been using this forum form for a few days and i love the community here, they are great and very knowledgeable.

if people are interested im setting up a small project to make a email client for windows that will run in the taskbar.

this is not for the feint of heart and a big challenge for myself aswell.

here is a small and very brief document showing what i want it to look like, the process the user has to do and some detail about what the program needs to do.

if there enough people that are interested in a project like this, sign up here

disclaimer :this is for fun aswell as a learning process, this is completely non profit, has nothing to do with any form of business, this is a personal project i want to share with a community.

thanks for your time in advance
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I'm not sure how useful that would be. I can pretty much do that already with Thunderbird, by right-clicking the taskbar icon and selecting "New Message".
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