issue with regsvr32 utility

in my last posting, I reported the issue with register a non-COM dll. now I got more details about the issue now.

we I have 2 dll. A.dll uses B.dll. both are normal dll with static linking being useb y some applications. In our customer, a policy is to register all dlls in a directory at window login. so we can't skip these dlls.

Now the regsvr32 will call the following functions on the dll

When in LoadLibraryEx, the following steps are carried out
 1. B.dll is loaded. 
 2. call DllMain of A.dll with DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
 3. call DllMain of A.dll with DLL_THREAD_ATTACH

Then call to FreeLibrary
4. call DllMain of A.dll with DLL_PROCESS_DETACH.

But since there is a DLL_THREAD_ATTACH and not corresponding DETACH, the A.dll is blocked and FreeLibrary never exits. So does regsvr32.

is there any guru having a idea why this happen ? I am puzzled with why there is a DLL_THREAD_ATTACH process..

thanks in advance.. cheers !
AFAIK, there is always a DLL_THREAD_ATTACH call: The first load has to have been done in a thread, right?

Nope. Scratch the above. Apparently I am not correct: . You might want to read the whole thing as I did not.

Summary in the context of what I said: If a thread calling LoadLibrary() produces the call with DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, but nothing else. DLL_THREAD_ATTACH is only called by additional threads.

The document also states that DLL_THREAD_DETACH is only called by thread that cleanly exit. I therefore conclude that a DLL should not expect the thread count to go back to zero (meaning there's a detach for every attach) before getting DLL_PROCESS_DETACH.
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thanks webJose

the issue is a global variable which create a thread. When the DllMain is called, this variable is created which spawns a thread. However this thread can't be terminated in DLL_PROCESS_DETACH.

so I have to change this gloable variable to a static local. then it is solved.

Cheers !
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