need code

hi there
i'm working in a project and need a packet sniffer code
please can anybody help me find one??
thanks in advance
Do you want user space or a device driver?
What was said: i'm working in a project and need a packet sniffer code

What I heard: I'm trying to read other peoples data
kbw what do you mean by user space or device driver??
i just need a simple c++ code that for a packet sniffer for windows platform
@ kbw: You know how to do this in user space?!?!?! Most other people I'd call bull$--- but I have a feeling that you're not just making stuff up. Unless you're talking about the app that interfaces with the driver, in that case I would know what you're talking about.

@ OP: I usually recommend Wireshark for these kinds of non-specific requests. Since you're light on the details it's kind of difficult to give you a better solution.
sanaa: I put it you that you don't know what you want.

Computergeek01: You can use raw sockets. However, as of XP SP1, sent packets are blocked on the workstation versions of Windows.
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