is there a way to run codes with complie errors?

Hi, I'm a absolute newbie of C++. I have experience of programming VBA only.

So I'm using MS VC++ express edition. I have got some codes from my coworkers, and when I tried to run the codes, it doesn't let me because there is build errors.

How can I force run the codes? The error it shows is irrelevant to me so I don't want to correct it, nor do I know how to. In VBA, I could run the codes even if there are errors, so I was hoping C++ can do the same...
In C++ needs to be compiled, which means sort of "translated" into executable code, unlike Basic, which is afaik interpreted at runtime. That means if there is an error at build time, you executable can't be created and you can't run it.

And such a thing as an irrelevant error doesn't exist.
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I'm guessing the #1 reason beginners get in trouble with MS VC++ Express is that its default setup is a UNICODE build, and a lot of the code one can 'pick up' doesn't use the TCHAR macros required to get it to compile. You can check this out easily by going into project properties and seeing what the char set is set to. If UNICODE and your code has chars in it, that's likely your problem.
@ OP: What did the error say? Please be specific, copy pasta is the best. I'm guessing, if freddie1 didn't already nail it on the head, that it's a linking problem.
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