converting dll to appear in 64bit excel addin


I'm trying to call a dll using VBA interface code. I have it working for win7 running 32bit excel, but now i'm trying to implement with 64bit excel (running windows server 2008R2) and having problems. The files including the
'AL_matrix.dll' addin from from AlgLib and an excel sheet with the VBA interface can be found at the following link:

I've already changed the 'declare' statements in the vba code to include 'ptrsafe' (and ‘long’ to ‘longlong’) as outlined here;, but still not managing to get the alglib addin appear in excel (on 32bit excel, the alglib addin appears in the menu tab; developer/addins).

I'm wondering if this is a generic issue with dll's transported to 64bit excel, and what i need to do to get the AL_matrix.dll to work. Is there some registration or something else i need to do? I tried saving the AL_matrix.dll file in c:\windows\system32\, which my googling suggests should be the correct place for it.

Thanks for any advice.

Are you sure excel.exe is a 64-bit process? I have used as new as Office 2007 and it is always 32 bits. Are you 100% it is a 64-bit process?
Excel can be installed as 32bit or 64bit (choose advanced installation options to select 64-bit installation before downloading software file; 64-bit excel file = X16-30329.exe, 32-bit = X16-30356.exe).

On the machine in question i've installed the 64bit version.
Well, that's news to me, so thanks for that piece of information. I'll try it out some day. For now I don't have an answer for you, though. :-(
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