Can't find C# application window handle

Hi guys,

I'm creating an application switcher like the functionality of Alt-Tab, however, facing a big problem.

Coding with C++, i use 'EnumWindows' to find the windows, but can't find those windows which are C# applications.

Seems to be a problem with WPF?
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Since your question is about WPF, shouldn't you post @ MSDN forums instead? Just saying! :-) You seem to be suspicious of .Net, not C++.
posted in msdn already, just can't resolve the problem so posting everywhere :)
pardon me if bothering :)
Use Spy++ tool to find the class name of .NET Application then use FindWindow function.

i find out it's not WPF problem. because of the way i call 'EnumWindows', i filter out all the windows which don't have title, and accidentally the C# window that i need to find is missing the title :) what a bug!
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