passing data between vc6 and VC++ 2011


I have an (large)application that is developed
in vc 6, now i need to pass some data from this application to a dll which is developed in VC ++ 2010,
Can i use CStringList to pass data? i tried this, but it is failing. what could be problem, how can pass this data from vc 6 to VS 2010 dll.

thanks in advance
Extern C compatible functions only. Don't try to use anything fancier or you'll get into trouble. Also don't delete memory allocated in the DLL outside of it, and vice versa. In general, follow a very strict encapsulation pattern and only pass around primitive data types. If you need something more complex to traverse the DLL boundary, you'll be better off implementing things they way Windows does it: Return a handle to the object and export C functions that operate on the said handle. It is a pain, i know, but it is your best bet due to the fact that you are using different compilers.
thank you for your quick reply, i need to pass large number of strings from my vc 6 application to a dll (developed using vc+++2010), where i am writing it a to a file,
I tiried to use char**(pointer to pointer to char) to pass those number of strings, i am able to pass that data into dll application and wrote it in a file, but the application hangs after that,
i tried to relelase memory allocated, but still no use, what is casuing this problem, how can i fix this, please help me

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