take data from another prog's memory


i have this Java web app that keeps taking in data from a server.

how do i grab the data from that app? what's troubling is not just the taking of the data, but the data that's attached to a particular data. (sry for the confusing description. think of the full dataset as a JTable)

the alternative is to make a sniffer to listen to the connection... which seems like an overkill to me.

the working alternative i have is decidedly a primitive solution. it uses hardware manipulation (select all, copy and send to another app via Socket)... but it causes the user not able to use the mouse and keyboard.

so... how do i do the grab the data from the app itself? thanks.
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You can only grab what you see. If the application stores the data internally and shows only results (or in general, shows less of what you need), then you just simply cannot do it because you don't know where in the process' virtual address space the data is being stored as it changes every time the application is run.
A simple solution seems to be a standard "Man In The Middle" attack, except it doesn't seem like you're actually attacking anything so there's no worry about legal issues (or are there?). A packet sniffer isn't overkill, it's exactly the correct solution if I understand the problem, try WireShark: http://www.wireshark.org/
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