Get SQL Server Instances

closed account (Gy7oizwU)
Hi All

I need to get all the SQL Server instances on a specific machine. This machine is a virtual machine. I have tried using SqlDataSourceEnumerator and SmoApplication::EnumAvailableSqlServers with no luck.

Are there any other solutions out there?

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closed account (Gy7oizwU)
Does nobody have any ideas?
Erm, it appears not.

Your question is a bit far off topic for a C++ forum. If you haven't already done so, you should track down a SQL Server forum.

But you never know, someone with the right kind of experience might just pass by one day...

(I have worked with SQL Server, but never run it on a vitual machine. So have no idea where to start. Apart from asking on a SQL Server forum!)

closed account (Gy7oizwU)

I am using .NET (Visual C++) to try get the available instances on the network so it is C++ related.

With SQL, you can only get the instances of the current DB you are connected to, not the instances running on each machine on the network (Unless there is some magical way the DB devs i know don't know about).

SqlDataSourceEnumerator and EnumAvailableSqlServers is used to programmatically get the SQL instances, however i think that since its a virtual machine on the network, they are not getting picked up.

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