New Software Utility Written With VC++ 2010 Express

I have made a helpful (at least for me) new software utility called Quick Launcher. It was written exclusively with VC++ 2010 Express, except I produced the RC files with ResEdit and then pluged it into my project. Here is a description from the help file...

LAMB LION NET QUICK LAUNCHER allows you to quickly launch other Windows applications. This is especially useful for HTML and PDF files, or any other types of application files that may be scattered throughout numerous places on your computer, but which are not visible on your desktop or in your Start menu. Quick Launcher allows you to catalogue up to 100 Titles in your list box, although it is doubtful you will need that many.

You can find this file here by scrolling down until you see the appropriate title --

Place the EXE and the CHM file in the SAME folder and you're good to go.
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