Hi everyone, I need to send ctrl+c command to another executable file, I mean I have program1.exe running in a DOS window, and I want to create a code to send ctrl+c to program1.exe.
If I understand your question correctly, you want let the user press Ctrl-C in a console application without having it terminate the program?
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#include <windows.h>
// Change the console input mode to allow Ctrl-C as input
// You might also want to disable line-buffering and echoing too,
// but this example does not do that. Google "msdn setconsolemode"
// for more information.
DWORD mode;
HANDLE hstdin = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE );
GetConsoleMode( hstdin, &mode );
SetConsoleMode( hstdin, mode );
Hmm i don't know what you really want but heres is a good start
SendInput function/method
SendKey function/method
process.h or if you prefer MFC: Process Class
how to use it: http://msdn.microsoft.com/
It sounds like you just want to kill a process, try something like pskill.exe. It's a small freeware program that allows you to kill a program if you know it's pid in windows.
For process termination/management in windows I actually recommend sysintenals process explorer. It allows termination of processes, programs, individual threats, listing handles, etc. A very useful app. Also quite free.