Help with hooking

Hello everyone i know nothing about c++.

I Know this is advanced but i want to make a dll that i can inject into onscreen keyboard and when a button is clicked it pops up a window and says "hello world".

I have this guide.

But it only does windows XP notepad.

So down to the questions.

Is this the right forum to ask the question on?

Where should i ask this type of question?

Where would i find out what function to hook into.

How would i do this?
Since I don't think anybody will do it for you, and since I don't think anybody will pour down an entire tutorial on hooking into an answer here, and since you know nothing about C++, I think you are approaching the problem incorrectly.

IMHO, you need to google out the complete, finished product. Is it out there? I don't know. Good luck, though.
no its not out there.

How would i approach this problem? I have lots of experience with java but i am locked in... stupid java

i wouldn't dare ask someone to do it for me.

i opened onscreen keyboard with IDA and got a list of its functions

if i listed the functions would someone be able to tell me witch one will be called when i click a button on the on screen keyboard?

And i want to learn c++ but i refuse to read books... I learn by giving myself a project then i attempt to make the project. Even though i don't complete it i still learned a lot..

I know with 0 experience i cant just jump in and code. I need to figure out what the header file does where i find library's to use. And if the code example im looking at will work with visual c++ or some other random compiler...

Can anyone point me in a direction that has the least amount of reading but will get me on track so i will learn about all the basics and the way things work in c++?

I would like something that will make me use notepad and then use the command prompt to compile and run the applications. Visual c++ holds your hand and i don't like that.
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