[Newbie] Need some help.

closed account (Gz64jE8b)
I created a program with some lovely text boxes and buttons, but how do I get the inputted information from those text boxes and then add them together?
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You first need to learn how to program for Windows. Google out some tutorials first.
closed account (Gz64jE8b)
Please answer what I asked.
Ok. Use GetWindowText() to obtain the text from the 2 text boxes, and then use SetWindowText() to set the text in the 3rd text box. That simple if you know Windows programming.

See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms633520(VS.85).aspx and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms633546(VS.85).aspx .
closed account (Gz64jE8b)
An example would help, I'm a serious newbie.
Google out some tutorials

There are a bunch of these, it'll be faster than waiting for people to copy paste them for you.
closed account (Gz64jE8b)
I have used Google and couldn't find anything helpful which is why I came here.

I don't want someone to copy and paste for me I just want an example.

(If you're worried about doing my homework, don't worry I'm not in a programming class).
I'll help you if you know enough to be able to create a GUI Sdk style Windows program with whatever development environment you are using. If you can't do that, there is no sense anyone here providing you with code you don't know how to compile. Like I said, I'd be happy to help, but you at least have to be able to accomplish that first step.
You need to go here and master this tutorial before you go any further --

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