CLR Questions

hi guys
how can i use System::String^ and array<> to STL ?
for emample :

String^ str = "....";
array<char>^ ar = ....;
cliext::sort( .... ) ???!!!! how tu send str or ar to sort algorithm
If you want to use CLR then learn the .Net framework. The framework has its own sorting and its own array class. I am no expert but what you seem to want is mix System::String with tr1::array<>. Why?? To sort? Again, .Net has sorting facilities, as well as an array class and a bunch of other classes too.

The best you can do is decide: Use CLR or use unmanaged C++. There will be times when you want to mix them, but I don't think this is one of those.
this was one example!!! i want use permutaion and ... of algorithm how can i send String^ or array to STL\Clr ? tnx
I see. Well, I still am no expert in C++/CLI, and before I mess up, I'd rather tell you to post your CLI questions @ .
this forum is for CLR !! but tnx
Really? Because I have been around for a few years and pretty much we all see unmanaged C++. AFAIK, this is Windows programming, but that doesn't necessarily mean CLR.
i dont know but write in this page this forums for win, clr, ... :-??
Ah, look at that! I did not notice that. I guess it was changed when C++/CLI became more popular. Still, there aren't many experts on C++/CLI here yet. You might still want to consider the MSDN forums.
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