Creating Dialogs by Calling Functions

I have Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition, and I need to (possibly dynamically) create dialogs and show them. I do not want to use Windows Forms. I have searched but cannot easily find code to set up a dialog from start to finish, so if anyone could give me example code or even better a reference of the functions I'd need, I would very much appreciate it. Specifically I am looking for functions in Windows.h which will allow my to create a dialog, add controls to it, show it, etc. in a dynamic fashion.
CreateDialogIndirect() and CreateDialogIndirectParam() allow you to create a dialog from an in-memory template.

See MSDN for details of these functions and the DLGTEMPLATE struct.

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You could also use ResEdit program (freeware) to create dialogs from resource files, in a similar manner with built-in Visual Studio resource editor if you want.
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