Installed exe through setup has bugs

Any idea why an application that runs smoothly would develop bugs when it is deployed through microsoft setup? And, even better, any idea how to solve any such issues that arise?
Hmmm - it turns out that the exe file runs fine IF it is run through visual studio. Running it outside visual studio causes errors. I guess this suggests dependancy issues... any ideas on a plan of action here =0
Step 1: Post the errors.
Therein lies the problem: There are no compilation or run-time error messages. There are not even any exceptions (I attached the process, running outside VS, to VS and checked for all exceptions). There is simply occasionally a wrong font size, and a vertical scroll that does not work, even though the identically coded (except for VERT/HORZ) horizontal scroll bar of the same window works fine. Very mysterious. So far I have rulled out optimizations. I am now trying to capture at runtime the status of variables when the font is mis-sized...
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Both problems solved: variables were not initialised but later used.

The interesting part, for those we read this with related problems, is that it seems that with visual studio running, the memory allocated from the heap was always non-zero - producing acceptable behaviour in the application, since what occurred depended upon a tests of whether these variables were NULL. Without visual studio running, they were zero about half the time, creating erratic behaviour! I have no idea why this occurs.
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You are not the first developer to use variables without initialization in C/C++ program. This has occasionally even happen to a veteran developers before. In Java, variables are given default initialization values to avoid this "pesky" problem. I still wonder why C/C++ run-time do not automatically provide default initialization values.
I still wonder why C/C++ run-time do not automatically provide default initialization values.

Because that comes with a cost attached; one of the development guidelines of C++ was that you shouldn't have to pay for what you don't use.
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