I am using WMVEncoderSDK...

I found a source code that is to record windows desktop.
however, it doesn't capture any sound from windows.
As i know, the problem is that it can not find AUDIOCODEC.
The source has only video codec like blow.

#define MAKEFOURCC(ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3) \
((DWORD)(BYTE)(ch0) | ((DWORD)(BYTE)(ch1) << 8) | \
((DWORD)(BYTE)(ch2) << 16) | ((DWORD)(BYTE)(ch3) << 24 ))
#define VIDEOCODEC MAKEFOURCC('M','S','S','2')

I don't get second define, 'M', 'S', 'S', '2'. What is it?
and How can i make audio codec definition.?
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