Microsoft Visual C++ wont run applications

Hi all,

Having a rather strange issue with Microsoft Visual C++ (.Net Express 2008). Basically, I updated a program I've been working on, but when I run the application, only a blank console appears (There should be no console and a form window appears). To debug, I put alot of Console out statements in the Main function, to see how far it gets before breaking. This reveals that its not even starting the main function!

I then reverted to a previous edition, one that has been rigorously tested and works, only to find the exact same issue. Using ProcessExplorer, I can see its using all the available CPU time it can, but its not doing anything.
Edit - I've also left the application running for an hour to see if it would eventually work, it hasn't.

Anyone heard anything like this happening?
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Can't you step throught it with the debugger?
Perhaps you should try cleaning temp files (Build -> Clean Solution). Also, try building the application in release configuration (there is a dropdown somewhere to change from debug to release). Then locate the executable file from the release configuration (probably in <solution folder>/bin/release/) and run it outside Visual Studio.
Yeah, I tried cleaning the solution and using the .exe from the debug and release folders - both do the same thing.

As for stepping through using the debugger, I inserted breakpoints at various places in the Main method and some in the functions that have been updated recently. The breakpoints are never called and the application just shows the same blank console screen
Well, where does it go? Put a break point on the first line of main.
Yeah, that was the first thing I tried.

I put a breakpoint on the first line of the Main function and it is never called. Just a blank console appears.

I should also say that the application compiles with no errors or warnings.
Does the breakpoint show up as a solid filled-in circle or a hollow one? If it isn't filled-in, you are looking at the wrong executable.
Also, do you have any global static variables?
Solid circle
Nope all the variables are calculated in each method ir class.
Do you have any explicit entry points defined?
I dont think so, but im not sure
Well, you would have had to set up the explicit entry points on purpose, so that's not it. And besides, you reverted to a previously-working version. Have you rebooted since this started messing up?
Yeah. Ive tried rebooting and using a different computer (in case it was my vc++ that was the issue). I could revert to the old version but there is the risk the exact same thing happening again
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