I am looking for an API which can...

I am working on a project that senses files modified or added on C:\.
My way is that first, scan files on pc(by using filefind class) and save all of the paths of files, second, install any software on pc.(pc must be modified).
Third, scan files on PC again and save the path of the files.
Last, compare first with second scan result, which will give me the path of files added or modified.
However, those method is not that good, cuz the speed of processing is quite slower than i expected. Also, the speed depends on how many capacity I am using.

And I found "FindFirstChangeNotification" Method that sounds similiar to what i am looking for. So, is there any api for help my project faster??

Plz help me. I can't sleep even close my eyes. LOL

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FindFirstChangeNotification is what you need. You still have to scan the directory to detect what's changed and reset notification.

The file system in general is slow but especially so on Windows.
But if you only need to support Windows 2000 [1] onwards, you could use ReadDirectoryChangesW instead.

Out of interest, what file information are you tracking?


[1] And it's only the pro version of Windows 2000
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