VC++ 2008 and Ultragrid 2.0


We have a VC++ application [Acrobat plug-in] where we are using Ultragrid 2.0(a third party tool from infragistics] for displaying data.

It was an old application where we used Ultragrid 2.0 and VC++ 6.0, it was fine in most of the aspects, and in the grid we were displaying

English and Japanese text as required.

Later on we have to upgrade our project to VC++ 2008[Visual studio 2008] for some enhancement work,

But after that it is showing some junk characters for Japanese text [but for English we have no problem] in the ultragrid cell, there was no change in the ultragrid part, what could be the problem here,

Does ultragrid 2.0 not support VC++ 2008 or not? Or do we need to do some changes here? And acrobat plug-ins can be implemented using only VC++, and no other language.

We cannot rewrite the whole application from the scratch as is a very large application!

What we can do to display Japanese text within the existing project, please help me.

Does ultragrid 2.0 not support VC++ 2008 or not? Or do we need to do some changes here?

Those are questions for Infragistics, not a general C++ forum.
thank you,
I want to reframe my question now.

I have an application(Earlier it was implemented using VC 6.0), in that we have some text data, we were saving that data in a _RecordSetPtr and then from that _RecordSetPtr, we getting data in a COM object follows,

CComPtr <IUnknown> pSrc;
CComQIPtr <MSDATASRC::DataSource> pDataSource(pSrc);

and from that data source we are dipsplaying data in a thrid party control. Earlier it was fine and displying text data both in english and japanese in the UI, but
after Upgrading the project to VS 2008(No change in the code for third party control part) it iis displaying garblled data for Japanese.
Now my question is, whether the above COM related code needs any change for VS 2008, or is it fine as it is? please guide me.
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