Windows API Documentation?


Where can i get the full windows API documentation?? I cant seem to be able to find the full docs for download, can anyone help?
It's available online at

It's more of a reference than a "how to", though. There are a few example, but if you're looking to get started with it, you're better off with a tutorial.

I usually start with the name of a function I know and go from there. After a while you can get pretty good at guessing them. So if you want to learn how to modify files, you could search for WriteFile and then look on the side-bar for related functions to see how it all works.
Some of the Online tutorials are far superior to others though, if you can give us an example of the type of thing you are trying to learn at the moment we can probably give you a link to a pretty good one. If you don't know exactly what you are trying to learn then I would suggest you go to MSDN and switch to the "Classic" view of the page, this will put the function names for whatever section you are in on a list in the left most panel so you can see them all at once. From there post back here with what seems interesting and we'll help you more from there.
This may be what you're looking for --
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