Create My Own Program. HELP!

Hello, as you can tell from my ID I am a struggling programming student with an absent minded professor when it comes to his online students.

For our final project we have to create our own program based on a problem we want to solve. I need to start with step one and come up with a program idea that won't be to difficult to write the code.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I am still in the process of trying to get the other details from the professor about how/what to create like flow charts etc...

Thank you,
Struggling Programmer
closed account (z05DSL3A)
For our final project we have to create our own program based on a problem we want to solve. I need to start with step one and come up with a program idea that won't be to difficult to write the code.

That is a bit vague.
Create your own dialing computer for a stargate
Well the program has to be created using Microsoft Visual, it has to include a user interface. At least one textBox and Button event controller. I was thinking along the lines or a montly average temperature program....

For example the user can enter a month, then click on the button and receive the average monthly temperature for that month.

@ OP: As someone who also gets periodic bouts of "Writers Block" (that's what you are describing I think) I feel your pain. But like Grey Wolf said, that's way too vauge of a description. Already you've dropped more requirements in your second post that we did not know about in the beginning. So if you just want to give us a summery of the requirements then we can start throwing ideas at you.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
How about a linear regression calculator? A couple of text boxes and a button to add coordinates to a list (appropriately displayed), and an area to display a graph of points along with the calculated regression.
Well this is a beginners course. But I would like to use a couple text boxes and a button. I would like to use at least one loop and an array.

Hope this helps, I just have trouble visualizing a how to do the code. I guess I understand the part where I know what I want it to do. I just have trouble writing the code.

If any of this makes sense.

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