Visual C++ txtBox newline?

Hello all, new guy here. I have a Visual Studio Express 2010 C++ windows forms project going where I need to write text to a textbox. The problem I am having is with the new line or carriage return, cant seem to get it to work. I have tried \r\n and Environment::Newline but neither are working for me. I have also made sure that the txtbox is set for multiline. I am guessing this problem has to do with me using the express version. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
(chr(10) + chr(13)) // should work for you. 
Thanks Luc, I tried that but the compiler doesnt know what to do with the "chr". Maybe I am missing an include.
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
Ah, sorry.

Chr(10) + Chr(13)

should be the proper syntax.
Chr(10) + Chr(13)

This does not work either. Not sure what the problem is, maybe a missing library?
I was not using "+=" when entering text. So anytime text was written, it completely overwrote the original text rather than adding to it. Thank you all for your help.
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