Communication between user mode and kernel mode

Hi, I am writing a filter driver.I want to send data from FilterDriverDispatch to user mode to print it.How can I do this?
Please help me
Do you mean you want to print a message on the users screen? Like this: ?
I receive data from I/O manager by FilterDriverDispatch function.I want to pass it to user mode.
I know there are 4 ways to communicate between user mode and kernel mode like: I/O request,shared handle,shared memory , synchronization and notification
But I don't know which way should I use and how?!
AFAIK that's a style preference. I know a few things have been discontinued as of Vista in order to close up some security gaps but I've always like RPC myself, and that's still in use. Use CreateRemoteThread() to kick off a function to your User mode process (which should have ShowWindow set to SW_HIDE) and pass the data struct through the lpParameter. That's just me though, I've never had a problem with it and it works across networks with minimal tweeking.
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