How do I: Learn basic code.

Borland Turbo C++ 4.5
Hello, I am new to windows programming. I have learned some basic code in "windows.h" header file like this:

#include <windows.h>
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
	 MessageBox(NULL, "Hello, World!", "Greeting", MB_OKCANCEL);
	 return 0;

It seems so interesting to me and I think would like to study it in greater detail commenced from the simple code so that I can understand.
Please give me some examples of other codes and tools for this. Thanks.

Embarrassed to ask, wander from the way.
Why do you use Borland Turbo C++ ? This compiler is older than windows 95 I think !!!!
I use it at school, but, Okay, you can give me an example of code that is suitable for use in Visual Studio.... thanks.
There are many tutorials on the net:

If you need more, just google for "WinAPI tutorial"
OK, thank you very much!

It seems so interesting to me and I think would like to study it in greater detail commenced from the simple code so that I can understand.

It is indeed very interesting!
Yea, freddie1.. It's more than what you said :D
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