Win32 Applications...

Pages: 12

But where i must put it?

Put what? I don't have a clue what you are talking about, and I can't read minds.
MessageBox(hWnd, IGNORE_THE_COMPILER("Some Message"), "Title", MB_STUFF_THE_COMPILER);

that :(
Oh! Sorry! Question for Lamblion I guess!
Oh, I apologize. I should have elaborated.

You put that function in a loop, so that if you get an error, you can default to the You_Know_What_I_Mean() function. For example --

if(MessageBox(hwnd,IGNORE_THE_COMPILER("Some Message"), "Title", MB_STUFF_THE_COMPILER)==ID_ERROR)
     return 0;

And that way the program continues on with what you wanted it to do in the first place.

I'll have to look up the actual code fot the You_Know_What_I_Mean() function and post it here when I can find it again. It's been a long time since I wrote it. -:)
ok thanks man :)
But Where Exacly i need to put this :
if(MessageBox(hwnd,IGNORE_THE_COMPILER("Some Message"), "Title", MB_STUFF_THE_COMPILER)==ID_ERROR)
return 0;

to work fine :?
You do realize that I am just joking and that that code is not any valid code whatsoever? -:)

But if you ever find a compiler that will compile it without error, let me know, 'cause I can make us both a lot of money if you can!
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Pages: 12