how to get server ip address of Dial-up connection established using rasdial c++

Hii All,

i am able to establish the connection using rasdail command in c++ program.

i am using system("rasdial.exe temp > output.txt");

--> temp is the my dial-up connection name..

i want to know the server and client ip addresses for that Dial-up connection.. is there any API in windows which will give us the ip addresses of the connected systems..

Basic probelm:

i have to transfer the files using serial port..for that i have created a dial up connection by selecting gust as client and Host as server..and i have a program by which i can establish connection(using rasdail).. if i want to use this connection to transfer i neeed server ip address to use in client socket..

suggest me if we have any API to get server address or suggest other approach if my way of approach is wrong

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