How to size an edit area from menu item message

Ok I am going to try to explain what I mean as best as I can. What I have is a popup menu "View" in the main menu of my notepad project. In the View popup i have a check button "Show Toolbar" which I want obviously to show and hide toolbar. I have already done the check and uncheck and showing and hiding of the toolbar but now i have to resize the edit area when its done so how do i go about it?

Before I've been using WM_SIZE: message to access the size the edit control and toolbar but now I can't do it cause I'm sending the message of the button ID_VIEW_SHOW_TB :/ How do i go about that?

I hope I explained what I meant clear enough, any help would be appreciated. :)
Encapsulate the code in WM_SIZE into a separate function and just call it from any other message handler. After all, WM_SIZE should take into account at all times all of the visible elements, including the toolbar.
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