Visual Studio 2010 profiler crashing?

Hey all,

I know this probably isn't the ideal place to post this, but I was hoping maybe someone has experienced this error and knows how to deal with it.

Every time I try running the profiler, it runs my application and then I get a beautiful "<name of .exe> has stopped responding" window. I can debug and launch just fine, though. Naturally, I'm a bit perplexed.

Help will be much, much appreciated!
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Not a clue, have you checked MSDN? They usually list those sorts of thing. I'd google it.
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Those problems are just irritating.
I used to have similar ones with visual studio and I started to think: vs is crap.
But in fact, there was imcompability between my visual studio version and my laptop OS. So it wasn't really vs' fault.

I guess your best bet is to double check your vs' compability with your hardware/OS. Small things like 64 bit, vs in a particular language, etc, can lead to problems. Then reinstall vs.

Good luck.
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