take a mathmatic expression from user..

Hi, I need a code , take from user an expression :



and do the math...could someone help me please..!
This is a far harder problem than you probably think it is.

Such a thing would require you to lexically analyse the input string, and essentially carry out some kind of compilation on the anaylsed tokens.

It'd be simpler to just use a library someone else already wrote.
I suggest you read Stroustrup's Programming Principles and Practices. The first several chapters are based on creating a token parsing expression evaluation program from scratch. It's pretty complex, but it teaches you a LOT of C++ along the way.

Of course I couldn't help chiming in with the username "cnoeval" (i.e.: C, no Eval). 8*)
This would be pretty complex, as in a lot of little pieces working together, but not TOO complicated I think.

Before getting into this though I need to ask how much C++ do you know? Specifically C++ in this case since my solution is object oriented.
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