Sending mails undetected


I wanted to know how can i send mails silently using my program, and how to include files in them.

For example: Im creating a game ATM and i want to make it so that when someone opens the game for the first time, the game sends a file to my email and a message as well.

Im only missing the part where i send the email without the user knowing, how can i do that??
This sounds awfully dodgy...

What would the user knowing about this e-mail affect the end experience?

Also it's important to know that programmers are bound to work inside the constructs of privacy legislation and from what I've read I'm pretty sure you will cross that boundary.

Although feel free to prove me wrong. :)
i will make the user know, what i want here is just make it so i dont have to pop any windows in the process understand?? It will display a menssage asking if the user is ok with sending us his/her computer's specs and then it will just send it without bothering the user or opening new unwanted windows.
What language, what platform? Some provide smtp support, others don't. You may need to implement basic smtp in your language, although many servers require authentication, and implementing this is very complicated. You will also need the details of an smtp server accessible from the user's computer - this is why it is not a good approach as most users don't know this even if you asked for it - and it will change as they move from one network to the next.

Would me much easier to get a webserver and pass the data you want through an http post request. This of course won't work if outbound http is blocked, as it commonly is on networks that use a proxy.

In other words, I really don't think it's worth it.
What language, what platform?

@ kev82: Really? Did you really just ask those questions in the WINDOWS section on a website called I've seen your other posts, you have enough common sense to know these answers. Unless this is your sense of humor because I DID get a good laugh out of it.

Otherwise I agree with everything else on your post. E mail protocols are a PITA. You are much better off with connecting to a central webserver.
I could try and dig myself out by suggesting .net as a platform, but I think it's best just to admit that you've got me. I didn't realise I was in the Windows forum, and for some reason I had Python in my head as an option.
@ m4ster r0shi: As someone with first hand insight into this I'd like to ask you is it worth sorting through the potential flood of email to get the data? If I remember correctly yours has something to do with an anti-theft measure is that correct?
Computergeek01 wrote:
is it worth sorting through the potential flood of email to get the data?

I suppose it's not that bad if you have an account just for this, monitor less
than 100 people and have the program email you once or twice a week.

Computergeek01 wrote:
If I remember correctly yours has something to do with an anti-theft measure is that correct?

I've written this for a friend who wanted a keylogger for his trojan. I don't use it myself. But maybe I should...
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I use an AutoIt script.

Sounds simple enought, but i have a question, does autoIt suport static library linking? because i have enought dlls as it is lol.
Only reliable way is to POST date to a webserver, not send directly any email. From the webserver you can use a PHP script or whatever to send email message or just store in a mysql database.
ShiroAisu wrote:
does autoIt suport static library linking?

On Win32 mailing is include inside COM
Just use any Mail linterface
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