A.P.I.'s or methods to manipulate WAV files.

Hi everyone,

I've been searching the web for a while now to find an A.P.I. that will allow me to:

-play a WAV file
-record a WAV file
-to choose an input/output channel (such as LineIn, LineOut, and MicIn)
-and Manipulate the volume for these channels.

I've been looking at the MSDN documentation for XAudio2 but I have yet to decipher it's secrets, but looking at it, the documentation does seem geared towards gaming.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a good tutorial or some resources I could look up to help me accomplish the above goals?

Thanks in advance!
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See the note in there: DirectX has replaced a lot of the functionality.
thanks for the information! It was very helpful.

In case anyone else is struck with this, a nice list of A/V A.P.I's can be found here:

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