Template Function Requirements ?

Yesterday I had an exam, the question was:

What do template functions require (meaning , where T is a must) ?
1) template <class T> void func(T& t);
2) template <class T> T& func();
3) template <class T> void func() { T t ,...... }
4) None of the above

I marked 1 :S, cause I thought that's how you "define" the function to be of the type you currently use......

Should I prepare for the 2nd c++ course ? :(
I think it's a stupid idea to contrive C++ questions like this to make the subject examinable. The question is stupid and doesn't improve your programming ability at all.

Having said that, you are correct.
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Ofcourse it doesn't improve a lot, but that's the 'cheap' way to make exams - American questions....

Yet, there's the other wrong way to make exams, like what I had - write huge classes,..
The Dr's solution for the 3 hours exam, was 16 pages of code, and he said he "didn't write simple functions" ....

So I'm glad my exam was the short American questions exam....

And thanks a lot, hopefully we're right on this 1 ;D
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