New desktop plus Microsoft Remote Assistance

I know this may be a hard one for this forum, but I thought I should give it a shot (I'll post @ MSDN too just in case).

I have this BHO that fills in websites' credentials (username/pwd) automatically in IE8+. I would like to enhance it: I want the credentials prompt to appear in a new desktop for security, just like UAC prompts. I can do that, no problem.

What I don't know is how to enable MS Remote Assistance to allow the remote user to control this new desktop. I haven't tested, of course, so I am at this point only guessing that by default, MS Remote Assistance will NOT be able to allow the remote user to see this new desktop. Any ideas on the particular course of action that needs to be taken? I don't even have an idea of where to begin looking.
The remote assistence bit would be on the part of the user who is making the remote connection. The command should be mstsc /console It's only valid while connecting to Win2K systems Servers though.

What is the host OS? There might be another way. Have you thought about using a service on the host to send data back to the remote assistant?
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Hi. I am talking about 2 Windows 7 PC's. If you search from the Start menu, you'll find Windows Remote Assistance that launches a wizard. The wizard lets you choose: Invite someone you trust to help you, and Help someone who has invited you. This is the Remote Assistance I'm talking about.

This tool allows the remote user to respond to UAC prompts if the owner of the PC enables it. UAC prompts, AFAIK appear in a secured desktop. I can create such a desktop, but it won't be the exact same desktop. So I am unsure if the remote user will be able to respond to my BHO if it appeared in a separate, secured desktop. This is what I need to know, and possibly research if it is possible for Remote Assistance to "transmit" this secured desktkop of mine.
Ah, my mistake. That not one I use, sorry :(
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